Improve Earned Media Outcomes by Approaching like a Reporter


Let’s start with a direct hypothesis: Earned Media outcomes can be more predictable, measurable and valuable for brands if we approach like a reporter does a story idea.

Diving in with that lens on:

Inverted pyramid writing style immediately dictates that the most important information comes first. We also know the importance of being brief, direct, and concise with all communications. From previous posts, we have discussed a successful pitch equation being:  QUALIFYING AUDIENCE + PERSONALIZED IDEA = MEDIA ENGAGEMENT.

How does the "General" approach to pitching fit this mold?

Media Targets describe the pitches they receive daily as being verbose, highly promotional, misspelling Talent names, mentioning the wrong outlet name, generic “Spray and Pray” pitching, etc. “You can always tell immediately in a pitch if they have even seen the show before. It is clearly not about my show, it’s about getting on any show,” said 26-year national Emmy Award winning producer Jennifer Shepard-Brookman. “Daily occurrence; deleted immediately.”

In our never-ending journey toward “Controlling the Controllables,” changing the outcome requires reevaluating the equation.  

An easy way to gauge this on your team is with a simple direct question to the person accountable for generating Earned Media Placements. “Who is the best person and outlet for achieving my brands business objective(s) for this year and why?”

Anything short of communicating clearly and concisely (1.) calling out the reporter(s) at the outlet(s) (2) referencing a few pieces they have written in last 90 days that are similar (3) along with a connection to how a story like this would work for the Brand clearly identifying all assets needed, should be evaluated further. The potential ROI gains are far too valuable to ignore. Also, the value in avoiding potential challenge(s) for the Brand to current and future opportunities in Earned Media is priceless.

If we can’t succinctly and logically discuss this, in a way that’s easy to see where the path leads and why it is also valuable for the reporter, we have the opportunity to identify and address those deficient areas in real-time. How can we expect to achieve Earned Media outcomes that can’t be clearly communicated internally?

An “Elevator Pitch” is a priceless tool. We should ask this question more often of our teams and listen to their responses. Doing so provides so many benefits including ensuring everyone knows and are aligned on the objective(s); providing a real-time snapshot on where our teams need support. A perfect example of where having more smaller conversations with the team now can help to reduce the need and frequency for larger conversations down the road.

When we are open to evolving/aligning our teams with the above “approaching like a reporter” process, we make Earned Media more predictable, measurable and valuable. To openly explore how these proven tactics can work for your brand, arrange a complimentary Discovery call with Riverbed Media Partners.