The next hurdle in our journey is to clearly communicate the value proposition to media targets, delivering why the idea is valuable to share with their audience. Despite popular belief, the objective of the initial pitch is not to secure the placement; there are 2-3 more hurdles to clear first. If we use a puzzle analogy, the initial pitch is one of many pieces that combine to form the puzzle.
What is the direct goal of the initial pitch if it’s not to secure the placement?
With billions of pitches to media targets going unread and even more going unresponded to, the initial objective is to get the target to engage you in a direct two-way conversation on your idea. How?
Every activation is unique, identifying the assets you can provide to bring the concept to life is of critical importance at this stage. Maybe you have embargoed information ahead of a public announcement(s), an expert spokesperson(s), industry data, visual assets, etc.
Clearing this step successfully requires media targets to feel that the idea and supporting assets are worthy of exploring further. Typically, this involves the target talking to an industry expert to get their unbiased perspective on the idea presented.
If you can’t explain your offer in 2-3 sentences, how can you expect a media member to understand why it’s of value? Tying everything together succinctly and refining to a direct elevator pitch with a time-sensitive call to action is one of the pivotal crossroads where many Earned Media efforts fail.
When considering the media target, the reality is that most pitches are not written with their needs in mind. “Control the Controllables” and make sure the information being sent on your brand provides exactly what the reporter needs to see at this stage to engage the brand on the pitch concept. Learn more.
Once you have cleared this hurdle, the next barrier (and our topic for next week) is on delivering a clear engaging time-sensitive “Call To Action.”